How not to wear a mask.
Greetings from Pandemic month…..i want to say…….32? Masks seem to even now continue to be a point of confusion for many folks, from “Do I need one” to “Why doesn’t this sock over my face count?”. True story: a few[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was walking through the park one day….
Another occasion to try something a little different. While things are still a bit……off schedule…..still thinking about the current state of of things, how people arrive and read and what makes the most sense. Looking for a balance of “what[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What have we been slacking off on while sheltering?
I think people fall into two groups……either during the lat few months you have been very very busy, or very very bored. I’ve been on the busy side mostly. No mushrooms on the belly yet. It’s fair to day this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…